As a teenager I realized how important it was to work / study in a neat and organized work space. This made a big difference in terms of my attitude towards studying and taking notes. When I wasn't organized and tidy studying was dreadful, where as once I organized and tidied up and everything was cute and tumblr, I automatically looked forward to studying. This made a big difference for me because when I had the attitude to want to study I would focus much better and I would remember more of the content I learnt or revised because I was much more focused.
How to stay Organised
Have a to-do list - whether this a physical list on paper, a diary entry or an app that keeps your list. Having a to do list is they key to staying organized.
2. Have a white board or pin board near your study area- this is useful to keep track of assignments, upcoming tasks, timetables, motivational quotes and any important information you don't want to forget about. I personally prefer a pin board and so I have a pin board with all my important stuff pinned to it with some cute colorful push pins. I like pin boards more because its very easy to change and swap all the little things you add to it.
3. Keep your study time as a distraction free zone- this is very vital when studying. it is important to keep all electronic devices away when you are studying. If however you need a smartphone or laptop around you, I would suggest you to block out social media apps, this could be done by downloading screen timeout apps for your smart phones and finding websites which can block the usage of social media for a certain period of time on ypur laptops. This tip is genuinely very helpful.
4. Track your time- For this DO NOT USE your devices to track time, it is suggested to have an alarm clock to do this. Spaced learning has been proven to be more effective. To use this technique you must study each subject with full concentration for 30 minutes and then take a break for 10 minutes and repeat this for at least 4 subjects a day. I do 9 subjects, so I do 4 of my subjects on one day, then the next day I do the other 5, then the following day I will do the initial 4 and repeat this alternating cycle.
5. Use color- this is one of my personal favorites for me to remember things. I use a lot of color in my notes and in the way I organize my books and notes. I will talk more about this in an upcoming blog on how I take my notes. Also bear in mind not everyone finds color helpful, it is just a matter of personal preference, so if you don't want to use this tip it's totally okay. Do what suits you.
6. Plan Ahead- this is very helpful when it comes to assignment due dates and deadlines for projects. I make sure that I have completed my Assignment / Project two days before the deadline so when I receive my assignment and its deadline I write it down as if it were due 2 days earlier (e.g. Due date: 10th Jan in my planner i would write it as 8th Jan) this is a quick and simple way of staying more organized.
This is the end of my Organization tips, i hope you found some of these tips helpful. Stay tuned for a How I take notes blog coming up soon. I would love to know your thoughts and opinions. Feel free to talk to me on any of my social media platforms listed on my website.
Stay tuned till next time.
Asmita xx